Friday, September 28, 2007

Show and Tell

Welcome to show and tell. head on over to Kelli's. Today I am doing the necklaces that I made this morning and last night, for my friend and I. Here are the pics.

The one with the F on it I'm keeping, the f stand's for faith.

For now,


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Play Auditions

Every year since the year after the year we first lived here, there has been play auditions in October, or November. This year they are doing Cinderella. I am really excited, because I have been in them every year we knew about it. Auditions are on Monday. I am also excited because tomorrow I am going to a picnic. It will be really fun because I will get to see my friend Faith, and I haven't seen her in almost four months! I am going to go now,

Sunday, September 23, 2007


My grandparents are here! They are leaving tomorrow though. I probably won't see them for another year. They have horses. Whenever I am at their house, I sometimes ride them. Horse are one of my top favorite animals. I am going to go now.
For now,

Thursday, September 20, 2007

School, Apples

I am done with school. I have been done since about ten. I ate an apple off of our tree today! They are really small but very yummy. I am going to the thrift store today. I cannot wait! School is not hard, but it's not easy lol... I like it though. My mom said fourth grade was harder than fifth grade, so I'm glad that it will be easier next year lol... For now,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Tonight for supper we are having ham steaks, baked potatoes, and caesar salad. I can't wait. Mom and Dad went to Antique stores today since dad had the day off. We stayed home. We mostly worked on our rugs. Collin is making one now. That was pretty much the only thing we did besides school, and eating lunch. For lunch we had Cheeseburger soup. It is so yummy!
For now,

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fall Poem

I just thought of a poem, that I just made up, to share with you.
The Spring has left,
The summer's gone,
Fall is on,
And now I'm free,
of hot summer days,
And Fall you see is on it's way.
For now,

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cleaning, Reading, Writing Letters

Well, I am pretty sure I am done cleaning for the day. I have read as well, and wrote a letter. Autumn went to Stasia's house to spend the night last night. She is coming home soon. We are probably having baked potatoes for dinner. Collin and dad won't be here. I am excited about church tomorrow, it is the third week of membership class. For now,

Friday, September 14, 2007

Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Friday. Today I'm doing my mom. She is the best ever. She has cared for me my whole life, even took care of me at H♥ME when I had Pneumonia. She is very special, and I L♥VE her allot. Here are some pics.

Me and m♥m

That's it.
For now,

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rasberry Thumbprints

Last night Autumn and I made cookies. They are delicious. Here is the recipe.

1 c. of butter(softened)
2/3 c. sugar
1 tsp. almond extract
2 c. all purpose flour
1/2 c. seedless raspberry jam
In large mixer bowl combine butter, and almond extract. Mix until creamy. Add flour, and mix(do not be afraid if the batter looks like all flour). Shape into 1 inch balls. Make indentation with thumb. keep a finger in hole and make a wall around it so the jelly doesn't spill out. Use the tip of a spoon of jelly, and put in the holes. Bake 14 min at 350F. Cool 1 minute before moving to cooling rack.
Glaze: 1 cup of powdered sugar
1 1/2 tsp almond extract
Combine. Slowly add 2-3 tsp of water to thin the glaze.
Drizzle over cookies.
For now,

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday: Membership class.

Membership class went well. My homework is lesson three. It is really neat, and it helps you understand alot better. After these classes are over I will probably make my profession of faith. i am very excited:). For now
Abigail♥☻☺ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○:) These are just things, that i do, with numbers, and Alt.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Show and Tell

Welcome to Show and Tell. Head on Over to Kelli's house. (You can get there from my mom's blog.)
Today I am doing my doll bed, that was carved and painted for me for Christmas from a ten year old boy from Church☺. It is very special, to me, because it is pretty, and well made. Here are some pics. The pillow case I sewed for the pillow.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Water: The Great Drought

We need rain so badly! So much that our water is out! We haven't had it since after we did the dishes which was at about 1:00. I hope it rains soon! All of you other people with droughts, probably don't have water either.
For now,

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I am sick. I have a runny nose and a sore throat. I should be better by Friday. I am drinking lots of tea. For Now,