Sunday, June 3, 2007

On the Road Again

We are on the road again. I am very bored. I watched a movie called Return To Me about an hour ago. It is very good. It is about a guy who's wife dies, and it is also about a girl who is a waitress. We are going to eat with the relatives that we stayed with on the way down to Kitty Hawk. I liked vacation, but since we are all tired, I am happy to go home. I will be happy to get into my own bed. It was okay sleeping with Autumn, but I will be very happy to have my own bed back. We are going to eat at Golden Coral. Yum! All of the meals we have had this week have been very good. I am going to go now.


Beach Girl said...

Did you sleep well back in your own bed? :-)

Looking forward to the next time you are out this way!

Miss Vanessa

Autumn said...

I was glad to have my own bed too! =)

Karen said...

Hi Abigail!
I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation, too! How nice to get to meet Miss Vanessa. She's such a sweet person, isn't she.
I like travel, but I LOVE getting home to my bed!

Alaina said...

I like being in my own bed too! :0)