Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, as you know we had computer problems and...It's finally fixed! My mom's 37'th birthday was yesterday, and so was our next door neighbor's little girl's birthday too. She is really cute, she turned four. She told my sister " I used to be afraid of playing baseball with your sister, but I'm four now so I'm not scared any more." She also said she doesn't like cake, but likes icing! How crazy is that? There won't be any pictures of the cocoon, the butterfly hasn't even come out, so I don't think that it will...:( My dad is turning forty this year! He's getting old. Lol... Just kidding
For now,
P.S. Daisy went to the groomers today, she is so much cuter!


katelyn said...

Hi Abigail!
Glad your computer problems are fixed!
Oh have you or Autumn looked at Alaina's blog? She posted the winner.......
What kind of dog is Daisy?

Have a good day!

Alaina said...

I'm glad you got your computer fixed!
That little girl sounds cute!

-Alaina :0)

Anonymous said...

Hey Abigail,

Its about time!!! LOL :)
I was wandering if you were ever going to post again! LOL

great post!

-Kimi :)

Stacie said...

Hey Abigrace!
I'm glad you posted! I've missed reading them~!
I'm really glad your mom had a good birthday, and I hope that your dad does too!
Your's and Autumn's is coming up soon! Mine isn't until next year!