Friday, November 14, 2008

Tagged a lot!

I have been tagged a lot by Maddy, so here is everything!
1. what is the first thing you saw when you woke up? My Ceiling
what do you do when you are bored?Practice piano.
How old are you? 9 almost 10.
Name at least three of your friends: Tilly, Lora, and Lily.
what is you middle name? Grace
write you name backward: ecarG liagibA
who will you tag?Collin and Alaina.

What is your favorite bible verse? John 3:16

What is your favorite place in the world? Church

What is one thing you want to do before you die? Get a book published.

What is your favorite color spelled backwards? kniP

What is your name? Abigail Grace

What is your favorite website? American Girl

Who are you going to tag? Collin, and Alaina

3. I'm supposed to type six random things about me, then tag six other blogs. Thanks for the award, Maddy! :O)

1. I love horses.
2. I hate mushrooms
3. I like to play basketball
4. My favorite food is Gyro's
5. I love to read.
6. I love crocheting flowers.
I'm tagging,
and Lydia

1 comment:

Madeline said...

Hi Abigail!
I tagged you again on my blog!